Thursday, December 22, 2016

Writers Lament (Or How to Stop Worrying and Love the Art of Digital Wordsmithing)

Writing is hard, really hard.  Coming up with words to put to the page is possibly one of the greatest (and most rewarding) challenges of my life.  Some days the words just aren't there, other days I can't stop the flow let alone get them out fast enough.  Once it's done though, WOW, words can truly be things of beauty, art on the printed page or computer screen.

Nothing comes close to the sheer elegance and grace of an artfully constructed paragraph painting a picture in your mind of an event, person, feeling or thing.  At it's best you're an artist, directing and manipulating imagination and thought through the printed word.

So for my writers out there, I have made a list of some of the excellent free tools on the internet.  This will be an ongoing list, updated as I find new treasures.  For now, though GET TO WRITING!

Tools of the Trade

A Lorem-Ipsum Generator - 
So why in the heck would you need this?   I'll explain, often I need to do mock-ups for clients so they can visualize the "look and feel" of a document BEFORE it's written.  To do that though you need mock text to fill out the page, well this tool provides just that!  You've seen this type of mock text in documents before, technology now though has made generating it rather simple. -
As a blogger one of your biggest hurdles is going to be finding images and pictures to accent your writing (like the one at the top of this page).  Sure you can Google images and grab someone else's work, but if you're going to do this properly then what you want are Creative Commons images.  If you have the budget there are stock photo companies that take the hard work out of finding the right image, but if you're like me and doing this on a shoestring then that is out of the question. -
As a tech/non-fiction writer I find I need boilerplate legal disclaimers on many of my documents, especially documents that have the potential to be distributed outside of their intended audience, and documents that clearly need to be labeled as proprietary and confidential.  This website helps with many different types of boilerplate legalese that you can use and edit to your specific need.

1001 Free Fonts -
Just what the name implies, an amazing resource for thousands of free fonts, many unique and unusual.  If you design flyers, posters or other graphics you will LOVE this site as it has a ton of funky fonts to suit any purpose.

Monday, August 8, 2016

Joe On Business: Lesson 1 - Prepare To Get Dirty

One of the criticisms thrown at me via social media often revolves around who I am and what I do.  I created the persona "Joe Neckbone" for that reason, to share a bit of who I am and what I do, and also so I can be brutally honest about often "controversial" subjects.  

Sometimes if and/or when you are successful in business you don't have the latitude to "tell it like it is", especially if you have some melanin in your skin.  As Joe Neckbone though I don't have those constraints, I can be as real as I want.

So here are a few life lessons about business I've learned along the way.  This will be an occasional series broken into "lessons" so keep an eye out for them.

Joe On Business - Lesson 1, Prepare To Get Dirty
  • ALL business is dirty. All of it, doesn't matter if you're selling porn or girl scout cookies. To believe anything different is the ultimate in stupidity.  Think those Girl Scouts are nice and cute?  Try getting into the cookie business, they are as threatening as a visit from a mafia enforcer!  What do I mean by dirty?  Business sometimes forces you to make alliances and compromises with either people or other businesses you normally wouldn't associate with.

  •  You get in business to make money (that is if you're not a 501(c3)). Profit is the goal of business. If you can't stomach that STAY AN EMPLOYEE.  What you do with those profits though is up to you, but understand you ARE in business for profit.
  •  You play the business game to win, not lose or draw, that's why you're in business  Understand that even if you aren't in it to win, your competitors ARE.
  •  The negative or positive impact of your business is often about spin and propaganda. Social media is a spin machine (the ultimate one). Businesses pay people and companies very well to manipulate and steer what you think about them on social media. This is why PR firms are booming right now.
  •  Speaking of social media, think all those likes on Facebook are real people?  Think all those Twitter followers are real people? Think again, you can buy those.
  •  Business is dirty, but business capital is what drives and builds communities.  Think someone built that house you're in out of charity? Unless you're living in a Habitat house someone built it for PROFIT.
  •  Like it or not this is the game in America. You play to win to eventually support your cause or concern.  But understand the road to that point is a dirty, dangerous and tricky one.  Only the swift and strong survive it.
  • Broke folks DO NOT build or change a community, capitalists do. 

Saturday, May 14, 2016

So You Want A Revolution on Shea Butter & Incense Economics?

Hang out on social media long enough and no doubt you'll encounter some of the more radical elements of our culture.  Historically, there has ALWAYS been a radical element in Black culture from the moment the slaves were freed, and it has grown and shrunk as the times have changed.    Social media it seems has given it a new life as a new generation is coming to terms with their view and expression of Blackness.  

Is this embracing of new militant Blackness wrong?  No, I don't think so.  In fact I enjoy the right and ability of young (or old) people of color being able to choose the way they express their Blackness and structure a life based on it.  BUT, and this is a very big but, I think that ANY belief system, ideology or perspective you adopt has to be grounded in truth AND reality (sorry my church-folk brothers and sisters it seems like you missed the mark on this one).

One of the more pressing questions NOT being asked of this new militant generation is "Who's going to fund your revolution?"  Who's going to buy your bullets and guns?  Who will feed, cloth and house your soldiers?  Or their families?  And for how long?  This is summed up in a great quote I once read that I don't know who originally wrote or said:

"Amateurs study tactics.  Smart amateurs study strategy.  Professionals study logistics."

The reality of living in America is that ANY change needs logistics in the form of capital, resources, manpower and commitment, and often very large amounts of all of it.  Unless you are bringing your own dollars to the cause that capital has to come from somewhere, or someone else and you'll be beholden to whomever that (or those) person(s) or organization(s) is to include THEIR agenda in YOUR revolution.  

Maybe your goals will align, maybe not, but if these entities/organizations/people are funding your movement you better believe they WILL ensure their goals/aims/objectives are met, usually first.

Many people will point out the underground economy (i.e. "street hustling") as a way to fund a revolution.  This is what I call "shea butter & incense economics" since these brothers and sisters are hustling on an individual, not group level.  

Even if they band together as a group their economic power won't be enough in aggregate to support the logistics of a revolution.  No slight to the hustlers, but they won't have the time or resources to really build the wealth needed for revolution, let alone social change. No, if you need capital then you will need CAPITALISTS.  And this is where things get interesting.  

Courting capitalists means your revolution HAS to include their agenda.  So while you're "calling out" folks as coons and sellouts maybe take a moment to step back and think for a minute.  Wouldn't it be better to have a few of those folks on your side funding that revolution rather than funding against it?  

Trust and believe, call someone a coon and sellout long enough and they WILL work for the other side at worst, or be a persistent and well funded roadblock at best.  Only fools make enemies before they are strong enough to defeat them.

On The Matrix, and Being Limitless

On The Matrix, and Being Limitless

One of the more popular references you hear in the "Black sector" of cyberspace is to the movie "The Matrix". To many the movie was mish-mosh of varying concepts, ideologies, philosophies and religious references.  To others it mirrored truth.  In pocket of cyberspace though, the Matrix is one of the most popular analogies for white supremacy and the various systems that support, manage and uphold it.   Like all art though, it's open to YOUR personal interpretation.  Good art is supposed to make you think and there's no doubt the Matrix trilogy is good art because if nothing else the movies made people think!

While I will say the analogy of the Matrix representing the struggle against white supremacy has merit, the way it's most often interpreted some critical concepts of the comparison are either ignored, forgotten, or plan skipped over to support whatever the person using it is saying, or point they are attempting to make.

In the effort to shed light on where I'm going with this allow me to break it down as I interpret the trilogy:

1. Any system can be beaten.
There it is, the main theme of all the movies.  In the films they (meaning the characters) acknowledge in various conversations that there is no such thing as the perfect system.  In fact in the first and second films they make it clear that they achieved as close to a "perfect" Matrix as they could get, and it was a failure (both Mr. Smith and the Architect specifically mention this).

No system created, no matter how powerful, large, intricate, secure or well intended is perfect.   As humans, we are are not designed to create or for that matter accept perfection, our minds will reject that 'reality' every time.

The Architect, in the second Matrix film alludes to this in his rather long and overly wordy speech:

Systems just are not capable of accounting for every choice (or choices) made by humans and because of this "anomalies" occur within the system that will eventually "crash" it, either from the random chaos introduced by the anomaly of choice, or the effort of the system to account for/control that choice.

2. Since these systems are created by (or for) humans, the 'Rules" can be broken, bent, altered and subverted IF you understand them.
Going back to the first film, the fight scene between Neo and Morpheus is critical. NOT because of the action (but yea, the fighting was way cool!), but because of the conversation.  Morpheus is trying to demonstrate how "rules" work in the Matrix world, the fighting was just a visual display of that conversation (between Neo and Morpheus) and of the rules.  Through the goading of Morpheus at certain points Neo stops "thinking" and just reacts, and its at these points he is able to bend and alter the rules of the Matrix, even if he's not aware he's doing it (at least at this point he's not aware).

3. Free will and choice will ALWAYS introduce unaccountable anomalies to any system, (but you have to understand that system to purposefully exploit these anomalies)
The most successful large, complex systems are designed to account for a degree of "predictive" behavior, meaning they are designed to expect typical actions a user would take along a logic path.  Most of the decisions we make and think are free will but have actually been anticipated and accounted for by the controlling system.

As humans though, we don't always follow the predictable path or make anticipated choices, if we chose at all.  This is when the system tends to either ignore those unexpected actions, break down or go haywire.  This is one of the methods of hacking by the way, feeding a system unanticipated data in the hopes that it will either break or choke trying to make sense of the input. 

This is illustrated in the "jump program" scene in the first "Matrix" movie.  Here Morpheus demonstrates how an understanding of the system allows you to choose which rules can be broken (or in this, case bent). In this scene it's altering how gravity and physics work.

4. Once you know and understand a systems rules, you're limitless
As a boy, my father taught me that I was limitless.  My mind has the ability to absorb, process and utilize as much knowledge as I am able to feed into it.  My only true limits are: Time (I can only learn so much at a given time), Space (meaning physical access to new knowledge) and the Body (gotta sleep, eat, use the bathroom, work, etc.).  Aside from those constraints the only true limit is my desire.  If you can activate your desire for knowledge then you truly become limitless because you can process knowledge on  continual basis.

5. Some rules, however, cannot be broken or bent
Even in the Matrix movies there are some rules the characters could not get around.  The two most powerful characters in the movies (Agent Smith and Neo) were still bound by certain realities they could not get around, no matter how hard they tried.  These same rules apply to us in this real world:

Time: In the Matrix movies as in life, time was always moving forward.  It could be slowed, but not stopped or rewound.  Time travel in the movies, as in our world, doesn't exist.  Characters had to sleep, days had cycles and people both inside and outside the Matrix observed daily routines (shopping, work, etc.).  In the end, the systems of control were as depenedent on time as the subjects themselves.

Geography: The characters were limited by distance, space and location.

Love and emotion: Love was the chaos factor that superseded any programming.

Death:  Both Agent Smith and Neo were the only two characters that seemed to be able to manipulate death.  In the real world however no one has displayed that ability (though some would claim Jesus was able to do this).

In Conclusion
I'm going to publish this for you, the readers, view and commentary, and then think about it a bit more and revisit these words at a later date.  I'm curious to know what you think.


Friday, January 15, 2016

So I Curate this Newsletter.....

That's right, I curate a newsletter titled "AfroPublica".  What's it about?  Everything!  From news, history and relevant items from around the diaspora to pop culture, sci-fi and comics.  It's a digital gumbo of information I find while doing research on the Internet, carefully selected and presented for your reading pleasure.

It comes via email and is mobile (phone and tablet) friendly.

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