Saturday, May 14, 2016

So You Want A Revolution on Shea Butter & Incense Economics?

Hang out on social media long enough and no doubt you'll encounter some of the more radical elements of our culture.  Historically, there has ALWAYS been a radical element in Black culture from the moment the slaves were freed, and it has grown and shrunk as the times have changed.    Social media it seems has given it a new life as a new generation is coming to terms with their view and expression of Blackness.  

Is this embracing of new militant Blackness wrong?  No, I don't think so.  In fact I enjoy the right and ability of young (or old) people of color being able to choose the way they express their Blackness and structure a life based on it.  BUT, and this is a very big but, I think that ANY belief system, ideology or perspective you adopt has to be grounded in truth AND reality (sorry my church-folk brothers and sisters it seems like you missed the mark on this one).

One of the more pressing questions NOT being asked of this new militant generation is "Who's going to fund your revolution?"  Who's going to buy your bullets and guns?  Who will feed, cloth and house your soldiers?  Or their families?  And for how long?  This is summed up in a great quote I once read that I don't know who originally wrote or said:

"Amateurs study tactics.  Smart amateurs study strategy.  Professionals study logistics."

The reality of living in America is that ANY change needs logistics in the form of capital, resources, manpower and commitment, and often very large amounts of all of it.  Unless you are bringing your own dollars to the cause that capital has to come from somewhere, or someone else and you'll be beholden to whomever that (or those) person(s) or organization(s) is to include THEIR agenda in YOUR revolution.  

Maybe your goals will align, maybe not, but if these entities/organizations/people are funding your movement you better believe they WILL ensure their goals/aims/objectives are met, usually first.

Many people will point out the underground economy (i.e. "street hustling") as a way to fund a revolution.  This is what I call "shea butter & incense economics" since these brothers and sisters are hustling on an individual, not group level.  

Even if they band together as a group their economic power won't be enough in aggregate to support the logistics of a revolution.  No slight to the hustlers, but they won't have the time or resources to really build the wealth needed for revolution, let alone social change. No, if you need capital then you will need CAPITALISTS.  And this is where things get interesting.  

Courting capitalists means your revolution HAS to include their agenda.  So while you're "calling out" folks as coons and sellouts maybe take a moment to step back and think for a minute.  Wouldn't it be better to have a few of those folks on your side funding that revolution rather than funding against it?  

Trust and believe, call someone a coon and sellout long enough and they WILL work for the other side at worst, or be a persistent and well funded roadblock at best.  Only fools make enemies before they are strong enough to defeat them.

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